Autor Thema: GSoundTracks interviewt Mark Morgan  (Gelesen 1331 mal)

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GSoundTracks interviewt Mark Morgan
« am: 26. November 2008, 16:22:45 Uhr »
Die Webseite GSoundTrack hat Mark Morgan interviewt, den Schöpfer des (unter anderem) Fallout 1, 2 und Planescape: Torment Soundtracks. Mark spricht darüber, wie er dazu gekommen ist, Musik für Spiele zu komponieren und wie viel kreativen Freiraum er bei der Erstellung des Fallout 1 und 2 OSTs hatte, wie er am Planescape: Torment Soundtrack gearbeitet hat, was seine Ziele beim komponieren gewesen sind und wie er sich die Zukunft der Spiele Soundtracks vorstellt.

Let’s talk about Fallout. How and when did you get involved in that project?
I had already done a couple of games for Interplay, so when, for some unknown reason the publishers lost their first composer, the lead designer, Tim Cain and sound supervisor Charles Deenan, called to ask me to come onboard.

How did you approach musically the game’s dark post-nuclear war atmosphere? How much creative freedom were you given?
I was already experimenting with ambient music and its impact on story-telling. So other than the publisher’s desire that the music fit the post-nuclear world of Fallout, I was given wide latitude. The challenge to me was to blend a kind of odd ethnic and industrial sound design into something not only musical, but emotional.

You’ve also scored Fallout 2. How would you describe the particular challenges in scoring a sequel?
The real creative challenge was in designing the first game. In the sequel, it was simply trying to sustain the impact of the first.

What is, so far, your favourite project you’ve worked on?
I really don’t have a favourite project, but if I’d to say, in games it would be the Fallout series mainly because I was given a lot of latitude and very little oversight, and I love to write in that style. In television it would be the ABC show Prey. Not only because it was my first show but the story was written so well and the visuals were so dark it felt as if the music could become a third actor.

Mark, we <3 yu.

GSoundTracks Interview mit Mark Morgan
Mark Morgan Webseite
only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die

Offline Ralexand

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Re: GSoundTracks interviewt Mark Morgan
« Antwort #1 am: 27. November 2008, 16:45:48 Uhr »
Wunderbar :)
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